Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Since the beloved groundhog saw his shadow this year, we can rest assured that Spring is right around the corner!

spring, plants, open windows, march, spring cleaning, herbs, potted plants, organizing, home decor

For most, Spring means the excitement of open windows, sunshine, pastels and a deep clean. But a NEAT girl mainly loves this time of year because it takes her back to her childhood days! NEAT finds that the best way to start the season off is to revist our favorite acronym…

spring, plants, open windows, march, spring cleaning, herbs, potted plants, organizing

'N' is for noticing the areas that have been screaming for some TLC over the past few months, and actually giving those areas attention.

'E' stands for extras because we all know there is an extra set of dishes, pile of t-shirts or old magazines that in reality, are never being used. The NEAT girls spilled the gossip on last week's blog about their extras!

'A' is for away because there are some things that are better thrown away or recycled. For example, your (future) children aren't really going to want to look through every yearbook of yours from K – 12th grade. Oh, and Salvation Army doesn't want those either.

and finally …

'T' stands for take because there are many items that Salvation Army, Goodwill or Zealous Goods (our favorite Chicago company) would be happy to take off your hands!

spring, plants, open windows, march, spring cleaning, herbs, potted plants, organizing

So keep this little acronymn in mind this Spring, and not only will you be smarter than a 5th grader – but also well on your way to #theNEATlife!

the NEAT girls

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BY NEAT METHOD | TAGGEDDIYOrganizing tipsSpring CleaningTip Tuesday