The Rumors are True…

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

NEAT Method is spreading its wings! 

jet plane

Since we've had so much fun conquering the "organizing world" on the West Coast and recently the Midwest, we've decided it's time to show other cities what our Method is all about! We are beyond thrilled to have the ability to do so and have been so honored with all of the inquiries over the past 2 years. Through much blood, sweat and tears (maybe once or twice) we've finally found the perfect fit with the most perfect girls. Stay tuned in the next few weeks to learn a little bit more about the new cities and the fabulous girls running them!

Just so we don't leave you in suspense for too long…we thought we'd give you a few hints: In one of the cities we'd rather be surfing than working. In another, our favorite color house to organize is white. And the third, the state shares a name with a local rapper who can teach you how to blow a whistle. 


the NEAT girls