Tip Tuesday:: Don't Let Us Distract You

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Obviously organizing a client's home is our favorite part of the job, however we also appreciate some good quality office days. The NEAT girl's offices consist of posting up in our own homes or a near by coffee shop. Although we LOVE this for many reasons, it can become quite the challenge when the laundry starts piling up or…god forbid, things get a bit disorganized!

Here are a few tips that will help you stay a bit more organized with your work life::

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Tip #1 :: SEPARATE – Make sure you create a physical separation between your work and personal space. If your work email, files, calendars or 'to-do' lists overlap your personal you are opening the door for distraction.

Tip #2 :: STAY ORGANIZED – Your productivity will increase tenfold if your workspace is organized. Part of our method is to make a place for everything…especially with a work space! Keeping it simple with the necessary containers and bins will allow you to feel ready to accomplish the necessary tasks. 

organized office, home office organizing, neat method, work from home, home organizing, professional organizer, san francisco, chicago, south florida, washington dc, san diego, twin cities

Tip #3 :: SET STRICT RULES – You know yourself better than anyone else. You know what distracts you and when you are most productive. Use that knowledge to set parameters for yourself. For example, we know that for us, Justin Timberlake's Pandora station is a great afternoon pick-me-up. We also know that breaking out the vino before 4pm isn't the best idea…unless it's Friday!

organized office, home office organizing, neat method, home organizing, professional organizer, san francisco, chicago, south florida, justin timberlake, pandora, washington dc, san diego, twin cities, work from home

Tip #4 :: SAY 'OKAY' TO BREAKS – It is so healthy to take a break sometimes. Go on a walk, grab a snack or grab a quick double shot espresso…trust us, you be more productive when you return!

Tip #5 :: SET GOALS – Sometimes working from home means that you are your own boss. Don't let this be an excuse to not have goals. Make weekly, monthly and yearly goals! You will be amazed at how much having goals and how you are going to achieve them translates to productivity. 

organized office, home office organizing, neat method, home organizing, professional organizer, san francisco, chicago, south florida, justin timberlake, pandora, washington dc, san diego, twin cities, work from home, goal setting, goals

We hope you have a great day reaching your goals…now stop reading our blog and get back to work!

the NEAT girl


BY NEAT METHOD | TAGGEDDIYOrganized Home OfficeTip TuesdayWorking From Home