Wardrobe Styling vs. Closet Organizing

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Today we are joined by our friend Emily Lytle from Ready to Where – a wardrobe consulting brand. We love to work hand in hand with other home professionals, so it’s important to know where our services are similar and where they differ. We asked Emily a few questions to get to know more about her company and what wardrobe styling really is!

Plus, here’s a sneak peek on a tag team project with Kelly from NEAT Method Austin & Emily from Ready to Where.
Photographer :: Laura Morsman

NM :: Can you please tell us a little about the services you offer with Ready to Where?

EL :: We offer Closet Edits, Personal Shopping (online, in-home and in-store), and Outfit/Styling Sessions. We start with an in-person closet edit where your stylist will learn about you and your specific needs. All of our services are highly personalized, with your own dedicated stylist that will work with you for years to come.

NM :: If our clients want to utilize both a stylist and an organizer, which do you suggest they do first?

EL :: We begin with a Closet Edit to remove all of the items that are causing distractions and develop a customized strategy for what to purchase moving forward. NEAT will then have a more comprehensive idea of what their clients’ complete wardrobe will include and be able to organize more effectively.

NM :: Are there any misconceptions people have about stylists?

EL :: Yes! I think people believe stylists are just for celebrities and red carpet/high profile events. We work with every demographic, and all shapes and sizes. We simply aim to increase confidence, make our clients’ lives easier, and allow them to enjoy the occasions for which they are getting dressed.

People also think we will add cost instead of value. In fact, I believe most of our clients actually save money in the long term by working with us. We are strategic and focus on lifestyle, fit and personal style, not on trends. Our clients are often pleasantly surprised at how fun, efficient and cathartic the process is.

NM :: What’s the biggest benefit to having a personal wardrobe stylist?

EL :: It’s been said that the average American spends one year of life determining what to wear! Can you imagine if you spent not only less time, but also avoided the anxiety and stress that goes along with getting dressed? Our clients need no longer worry about dressing day-to-day, nor for special occasions or packing for travel.

NM :: What’s the best way to begin determining your own personal style?

EL :: We suggest doing an audit of the items in your wardrobe that you love and bring you confidence, then determining what those items have in common. Specific terms or styles need not be provided (e.g. boho, classic, edgy), but honing in on what works (and what doesn’t) will absolutely make shopping easier and more focused.

NM :: What is one thing you wish everyone knew about wardrobe styling?

EL :: I truly feel that everyone can benefit from working with a wardrobe consultant, and it’s not just for the ‘rich and famous.’ Even if you love shopping and fashion, a second set of eyes in your closet can objectively help you determine what items to remove, and which ‘wardrobe holes’ you might have. A different perspective can bring about new outfit ideas and better use of the items you already have. We make shopping more strategic and promote quality and versatility over quantity.

NM :: What is one piece of clothing you think everyone needs?

EL :: Everyone has a different lifestyle, so there is not one specific garment that will work for everyone. However, everyone should have (at least) one versatile go-to outfit that makes them feel confident. If anything is universal: the right undergarments are key to ensure a good fit.

NM :: Do you think it’s helpful to have a style muse?

EL :: Not necessarily. Taking ideas from a few different influencers and celebrities can be helpful, as long as you are realistic in considering your own needs, lifestyle and body type.

NM :: How do you think instagram influencers have changed the style industry?

EL :: Influencers can democratize the industry in terms of modeling different shapes and sizes, and reviewing various items. Highly-visual social media also seems to have pushed an influx of overstyled and over-designed items, as well as ‘option overload.’ What we call the ‘disposable garment industry’ seems to be thriving, which can be to the detriment of our wardrobe management, wallets and environment. I personally prefer a ‘fewer, better’ philosophy.

Thanks for spending some time with us and answering our questions! We always love learning from experts in the industry.

the NEAT team

BY NEAT METHOD | TAGGEDclosetsstylistwardrobe