Everyone wants to be organized and we believe everyone can and should be! Some struggle with finding the time or motivation to organize – here are just a few reasons you should call in the pros so you can start living #theNEATlife.

1. You don’t have time.
Do you notice that “busy” seems like the typical response to the question “How have you been?” We are all busy and our time is constantly taken up with a million different things. It’s important to delegate tasks that you aren’t likely to complete on your own, or that you aren’t trained in. This can include lawncare, painting, handywork, housekeepers and yes… even organizing! Why spend your whole week doing something that professionals can handle in a day or two? As they say… time is money.

2. You need help purging.
We get it, sometimes it’s hard to let go! When you hire a professional organizer it gives you an outside perspective and the permission to get rid of items that no longer fit your lifestyle. Once you part with unnecessary items, your organizer can create a beautifully tailored space to hold the items you really love and need!

3. You need a “personal trainer.”
It’s a proven fact that when you have an appointment to do something, you’re more likely to get it done! This is true with personal training, and we like to think of ourselves like your personal trainer for getting organized! You’re less likely to bail on the task if you have an appointment scheduled. Unlike personal trainers though, we actually do the work for you, and there are no squats involved. 😉

4. You don’t even know where to begin.
You may be great at keeping up a system… you understand putting items back where they belong and reading labels, but the idea of creating the system out of thin air is a little daunting to you. That’s where we come in! We can assess your space and your lifestyle and create a perfectly customized solution for your needs. Then, all you need to do is keep up the system (which is the easy part).

5. You’re moving and want to get settled ASAP.
Are you moving across the country or across the street? Either way, moving (and unpacking) can be a pain. Plus, you could be losing valuable time unpacking your home while you could be getting settled at your new job, getting acquainted with your new neighborhood, etc. We love unpacking families into their homes and organizing them from the start.

6. You tried it before.
You’ve tried getting organized before – you spent time at The Container Store, Bed Bath & Beyond, Ikea etc., you bought bins, you labeled things… but your system fell apart. There’s a reason why we are called NEAT Method – there’s a method to creating a sustainable system. Call in the pros to get your system set up correctly from the beginning.

No matter which one (or several of these) pertains to you, our NEAT girls can finally get you organized and living NEAT in no time!
the NEAT girls