Plants and tree care and transport
Do not leave your plant babies in the back of a moving truck! Give them room inside your car and secure to ensure they don't overheat or tip over. Don't forget to water as needed as you travel to your new home.
Leave it to the experts: Jennifer and her team "literally give the leafy loves their own VIP car service for long distance moves. Each plant is meticulously wrapped and placed in a box so that it can breathe and enjoy the ride to your new home. Those that are thirsty are hydrated for the long haul." And, because Doorsquad is the ultimate white-glove service, Jennifer says they also provide "a proof of life video and send it to [their] clients so they can stay connected."
Precious art care, transport and install
Managing high value art on your own can be a challenge. Take the time to arrange for a professional to pack those pieces and don't forget to schedule them to be hung properly on the other end.
Leave it to the experts: "Our standard of care for your art includes crating services for all art valued over $3K," says Jennifer. "We build custom crates on site to eliminate any damage from movement during transit."
Breast milk care and transport
No need to waste a drop of that liquid gold! Place it into a well packed cooler right before you leave your old home for the last time. You may have to replace any melting ice along the way if the trip is long distance. Lastly, ensure that any hotel rooms you stay at throughout the trip have a refrigerator.
Leave it to the experts: Jennifer explains, "We work with our lactating clients to inventory, freeze and ship their Breast Milk - coordinating delivery so that it arrives while we are unpacking their household goods. When the frozen breast milk arrives our project managers will inspect the shipment, inventory the frozen packages and place them in the freezer until the family arrives. We’ve even had clients call ahead and request we leave a few frozen packages in the refrigerator to thaw so the lil one can enjoy a nutritious familiar meal on the first night in their new home."
Auto transport and car detail
Don't forget about additional cars! Transporting a vehicle you aren't driving to your new home will require towing it behind the moving truck or arranging for someone to drive it separately to your new home.
Leave it to the experts: Doorsquad also offers premium vehicle delivery service that Jennifer says is "designed to give our clients peace of mind in knowing their vehicles will arrive in pristine condition. We provide door-to-door pick up and delivery service and transport our vehicles in enclosed carriers."
Rug cleaning, care and transport
To avoid creases or damage to your rugs, be sure to roll and wrap them before loading. Cleaning them before the move will also save you the hassle of shifting furniture after everything is unloaded in your new home.
Leave it to the experts: "Your rugs are the first items we unload off the truck and the first items we place in your new home," Jennifer says. "To ensure we don’t transfer any dirt or pet hair from the household, we have your rugs picked up and professionally cleaned two weeks prior to your move date. Each rug is tagged with a description and room. After the rugs are cleaned and dry, they are individually wrapped and returned to your old house where we stage for loading. The clean rugs are the last items loaded on the truck and the first items off the truck."
If managing the logistics of moving feels too overwhelming, we are poised and ready to step in! Together with Jennifer and her team at Doorsquad, we quite literally take all the responsibility off your hands. Our clients arrive at their new home, fully unpacked and organized - complete with all those precious items safely in place. Connect with NEAT or Doorsquad for more details on our combined services and enjoy a stress-free move.
the NEAT x Doorsquad teams