Space Lift | Houston Garage

Thursday, August 19, 2021



We love showing finalized NEAT spaces on our Instagram feed, but what we love even more is telling the stories of how our clients are living more efficiently in their newly organized homes. 

Take a look at this Houston garage organization to see what makes it so NEAT!


Professional Organizer : Dominique Caskey

Room : Garage

Hours to complete : 16 Hours with 2 organizers

Objective : Customized home organization starts with an assessment of our clients' needs. In this space, our client wanted their garage to be the dream kid zone for play and fun, all while being easy to keep up with week to week, and grow with them as well! The space also housed other items that needed improved storage in order to make the best room for the priority kid items. We were also able to reuse our client's grandfather's work tables as part of the design, which was a really special thing for them!

Client’s favorite feature : While Elfa shelving and track walls are always a win in the garage, the lockers and parking spaces for the kids transportation were the fan favorites of this project! The lockers added some hidden storage for current and other sport interests to make practices and game days a breeze, all while encouraging the kids to help keep up with the system. Our clients had requested organization that included a mix of open and closed storage, and we loved how seamlessly the lockers worked with the Elfa system we designed. The parking spaces were our creative way to keep the center of the garage from becoming a catchall and, in our opinion, turned out to be pretty cute too! 

Stand out products : We loved the European Commercial Crate to help keep categories in organized "homes", while allowing room to grow. They're also easy to transport back and forth for play/daily use and low maintenance for being outside in the garage.


Our Houston team of professional home organizers took this garage to the next level with a system that will grow with their client. 


The NEAT Team


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BY NEAT METHOD | TAGGEDdominique caskeygarage organizationGaragesHome Organizationhoustonhouston organizerprofessional organizertexas