School is back...along with ALL the clutter that comes with it. We're experts on keeping things tidy at home but, some of us also have experience in the classroom. Five NEAT Method owners who used to be (or currently are) teachers, are sharing their tips for staying organized this school year.
"Create a car clean-up routine. Whether you are a teacher or have school-aged kiddos, the car can easily accumulate bags, clothing, toys and trash from the busy schedules. Each time you get out of the car, take one thing with you to put away or throw in the trash and at the end of the day, have everyone grab their belongings and trash so you can start each day with a tidy car, creating NEAT habits." - Alayna Hermans, NEAT Method Virginia Beach owner and former elementary school teacher.
"My homework station favorites are folders labeled with kiddos names to contain all of those school papers the come home daily! Use NEAT canisters to hold pencils, markers scissors and glue for homework and projects!" - Jami Cohen, NEAT Method St. Louis co-owner and former teacher.
"I believe having a designated space for school work at home is so important. This creates a calm environment, free of distractions. If you don’t have a designated room for school work, a craft cart will do the trick! Get one with wheels so you can create a temporary school work station for homework and studying." - Felicia Schimpf, NEAT Method New Orleans owner and former high school teacher.
"As a current Autism high school teacher, some of the home organization tips I offer to my parents is to continue using their picture exchange communication schedule when working on their homework. The kitchen is the heart of the home and having a designated homework area is always a great idea. Some of the items we love to have are a magazine holder designated for each subject area. We like to label the magazine holder with their child's picture symbols to better assist their child's communication and knowledge of the subject they will be working on. -Lizette Elizondo, NEAT Method San Antonio owner and high school teacher.

The NEAT Team
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