New NEAT City | Santa Barbara

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Hi Friends,
California has a new NEAT girl. Santa Barbara – meet Kat Pettey! You're gonna love the newest addition to our NEAT family. Read her interview to find out why!

Kat Pettey, Headshot, organizing santa barbara, neat method,

NM :: What did you do before deciding to run NEAT Santa Barbara?
KP :: I worked in commercial real estate as an agent for several years. Prior to that I worked in retail customer service/management for various clothing stores. I've always had a love for fashion!

NM :: Sounds like closets might be your favorite space! Why did you want to run NEAT in your city?
KP :: This city has so much vibrancy and positive energy. I think that fact alone will make running a business here fun and rewarding. Santa Barbara also has some of the most beautiful homes in the country which I can't wait to get my hands on to organize!

Kat Pettey, family, photo, organizing santa barbara, neat method,

NM :: What else makes Santa Barbara unique?
KP :: We are a quaint beach town with a hip vibe that's home to many artists and designers. I think what sets Santa Barbara apart from other cities is that there is never a shortage of things to do here! Beach, hiking, amazing restaurants, museums, wine tasting…take your pick! Healthy living is definitely a way of life here, but we also love to have fun. Every year, in August, Santa Barbara hosts Old Spanish Days, otherwise known as "Fiesta," which is basically a 4 day long party – it's a sight to see.

NM :: That's something we'd love to see! How long have you lived in the area?
KP :: I've lived in Santa Barbara for about 12 years… I think I can finally call myself a "local"!

Kat Pettey, family, photo, organizing santa barbara, neat method,

NM :: Since you're such a "local" now, what are your favorite places to shop in your area?
KP :: Millworks for home decor and knick knacks, Blue Door for all things vintage, Blanka and Angel in Montecito for clothes, Anthropologie, and a store just opened that is already a new favorite of mine – Jake and Jones!

NM :: Are you also an expert on restaurants? Tell us your favorite spots to eat!
KP :: Oooh, this is a hard one! There are so many great restaurants in the Santa Barbara area. Right now, I'm loving LoquitaHonor Bar, and Sama SamaThe Public Market is also one of my go-tos. Sometimes I'll head there if I'm hungry and can't figure out what I'm craving! You can munch on a variety of delicious locally sourced food, and on your way out grab a cupcake from Enjoy Cupcakes or some insanely good ice-cream from Rori's. Or, if wine or coffee is your after dinner thing, they have that too.

NM :: Seems like Santa Barbara has it all! What can people expect when they hire you to organize their home?
KP :: First and foremost, I think people will instantly notice my passion for what I do. I LOVE to find organizing solutions. The more challenging a space, the more energized and inspired I get. I believe organizing is more than just arranging things in a certain order – it's also about adding an element of style and decor. When my client looks at a finished space, it will look NEAT and pretty. I want to create life rhythmns that save time. I truly believe that if one's home and personal space is organized, and every item has a place, there is more time to be spent with family, more "me" time, and an overall feeling of harmony. As a mom of 2 small (messy!) children, I can attest to this. I'm always looking for ways to make life easier and more fun – who doesn't want that?

Kat Pettey, family, photo, organizing santa barbara, neat method,

NM :: So your home must be pretty organized. Can you show us one of your NEATest spaces?
KP :: My most consistently organized space is probably my dresser. I think I can put things away in there with my eyes closed at this point.

NM :: What about your least organized space?
KP :: Does my phone count as "space"? It's so unorganized! I have so many duplicate photos, emails, and text messages to go through and delete. It's on my list of things to tackle 😉

Kat Pettey, organizing santa barbara, neat method, drawers

NM :: What is your favorite product that you use to organize things?
KP :: The Ikea KALLAX shelf unit. This thing is all kinds of amazing. It can be used horizontally or vertically. You can add baskets or bins and it can double as a room divider or a bench. And it works in any room. Not to mention, the price can't be beat.

Kat Pettey, organizing santa barbara, neat method, bookshelf, kallax

NM :: What blog do you think we NEED to follow now and why?
KP :: Do I have to pick just one!? I frequently visit We are Scout by Lisa Tisle for decorating inspo and DIY project ideas. I also love Could I have That which was created by Samantha Wennerstrom, a fellow Santa Barbara resident. Her curated collection of all things fashionable is absolute perfection.

Kat Pettey, family photo, organizing santa barbara, neat method, bookshelf

NM :: Okay, final question. What so you think is going to be your favorite part of running NEAT in your city?
KP :: Aside from organizing (because I seriously love it) – meeting new people! For the past few years, I've been a stay-at-home mom and while I love hanging with kids, one of the things I've missed so much is adult interaction! I'm looking forward to getting acquainted with fellow entrepreneurs and working professionals, and of course, my new clients.

We are excited you're part of the NEAT family now! Can't wait to see how organized Santa Barbara will be now that NEAT is in town!

the NEAT girls

BY NEAT METHOD | TAGGEDcaliforniaKat PetteyLaunchNEAT citySanta BarbaraSanta Barbara & Ventura County